6 research outputs found

    The Integration of Augmented Reality (AR) in Education

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    New teaching techniques have been adopted as a result of the emergence of innovative technological tools in the field of Augmented Reality (AR), as investigated in several articles to date (Hsu 2017; Forsythe & Raine 2019). The availability of AR applications, both vision, and location-based, allows students today to learn foreign languages in a more contextualized and immersive manner, thanks to the use of smartphones and other electronic devices. Thus, this study seeks to analyze and review the recent trends in AR implementation in education and to present the main projects aimed at teaching with AR-based projects that have been published in the latest years in WOS and Scopus

    The Effect of Using AR Technology on Language Learning

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    The recent emergence and popularity of digital tools related to Augmented Reality (AR), such as Roar or Aumentaty, has facilitated the integration of this breakthrough technology in Language Learning, particularly in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Thanks to the recent worldwide availability of new technological devices, such as tablets and smartphones, AR applications can be effectively used today in language learning with different learning purposes, such as grammar or enhancing the student鈥檚 listening skills, among others. Thus, the main purpose of this study aims to examine the use of AR in Language Learning thoroughly and evaluate the possibility of including the tool in today鈥檚 education by analyzing the possible advantages and limitations that researchers may have found in their studies

    The Application of Augmented Reality (AR) to Language Learning and its Impact on Student Motivation

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    The recent emergence of digital authoring tools related to Augmented Reality (AR), such as Zooburst, Roar or Aumentaty, has facilitated the integration of this cutting-edge technology in Education. Consequently, different publications have come out to light about the affordances and limitations of integrating technology AR in the EFL/ESL classroom. Thus, this study seeks to analyze and review the recent trends in AR implementation in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom (EFL) and to present the main projects aimed at teaching English with AR-based projects that have been published in the latest years in WOS and Scopus. Following the methodology, the improvement in the performance of the student in different areas of study has been proved while using AR in EFL teaching

    The Impact of Augmented Reality (AR) on Vocabulary Acquisition and Student Motivation

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    Although there is a growing body of literature about the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in language learning, research regarding its effectiveness for vocabulary development among secondary students is scarce. This study aims to measure the perception toward AR technology (H1), the effect of its use on vocabulary development (H2), and its impact on student motivation (H3). In this mixed method research based on convenient sampling, 130 students aged 14 to 15 (9th-graders) from two secondary education schools were assigned to an experimental (n = 64) and a control (n = 66) group. Both groups needed to learn 30 geographic terms in English over four weeks. The control group used a traditional method based on a handbook, while the experimental group was exposed to an AR-based lesson containing the same lexical terms. The instruments involved an English pre-post-test about the target vocabulary, a pre-post-survey, and a class discussion. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed through SPSS 20 statistical software and a thematic analysis, respectively. The results evidenced positive attitudes and a strong interest in AR integration in language learning. However, no significant differences were observed regarding vocabulary learning performance between both groups of secondary students.This study is part of a larger research project, [The integration of AR in language learning], financed by the Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacion at the University of Alicante (Reference number: 4887)

    La Realidad Aumentada (RA) en el aprendizaje del ingl茅s: an谩lisis de la eficacia de su uso en el l茅xico y la gram谩tica

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    En los 煤ltimos a帽os, se ha producido una implementaci贸n progresiva del uso de las nuevas tecnolog铆as en el aula gracias a la aparici贸n de programas tecnol贸gicos innovadores como la Realidad Aumentada (RA), lo cual ha permitido el desarrollo de nuevas t茅cnicas educativas en el 谩mbito de la ense帽anza de lenguas extranjeras. Hsu (2017) y Forsythe y Raine (2019) realizaron varios estudios en este 谩mbito, que demostraban su eficacia en el aprendizaje del alumnado de lenguas extranjeras. En la misma l铆nea de investigaci贸n Godwin-Jones (2016) aplic贸 la utilizaci贸n te贸rica de la RA en un aula con el objetivo de observar su incidencia en el aprendizaje de vocabulario en una clase de Ingl茅s como Lengua Extranjera (EFL). As铆 mismo, Redondo, C贸zar-Guti茅rrez y Gonz谩lez-Calero (2020) afirmaron que el uso de tecnolog铆a RA en el aula permite a los estudiantes utilizar elementos comunes como la telefon铆a m贸vil o las tabletas electr贸nicas como su herramienta principal de aprendizaje y resaltaron sus beneficios de una forma pr谩ctica. Esta tesis doctoral se basa en una investigaci贸n en la que participaron 103 estudiantes pertenecientes a ambos ciclos de la Educaci贸n Obligatoria Secundaria (ESO) y a Formaci贸n Profesional (FP) de un centro de educaci贸n secundaria de la provincia de Valencia. Los dos objetivos principales de este experimento son: en primer lugar, analizar la efectividad del aprendizaje de la gram谩tica y del l茅xico ingl茅s mediante el empleo de RA; en segundo lugar, determinar el grado de satisfacci贸n y aceptaci贸n de la RA mediante dispositivos m贸viles por parte de los participantes. Para ello, se dividi贸 aleatoriamente a los estudiantes en un grupo de control (GC) y un grupo experimental (GE). Ambos grupos completaron un examen de nivel previo de conocimientos del ingl茅s (Cambridge Unlimited Placement Test), un pretest y un postest relacionados con la RA antes y despu茅s del experimento. El GC recibi贸 varias lecciones basadas en una metodolog铆a tradicional, consistente en cuadernos impresos, mientras que el GE emple贸 dispositivos m贸viles y lecciones de RA en ingl茅s. Adem谩s, para la obtenci贸n de datos cualitativos se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas en el aula. Los resultados de la investigaci贸n revelan que el alumnado incluido en el GE estuvo m谩s motivado, alcanzando unos porcentajes de acierto ligeramente superiores en el aprendizaje de los 铆tems gramaticales y l茅xicos. De igual manera, se observ贸 que el grado de satisfacci贸n de la metodolog铆a entre los participantes en el GE fue comparativamente mayor que el del GC. A pesar de ciertos impedimentos t茅cnicos y pedag贸gicos encontrados durante la investigaci贸n, como la escasa preparaci贸n del profesorado en activo, se concluy贸 que las nuevas tecnolog铆as en general, y la RA en particular, ten铆an una efectividad de aprendizaje real similar a las sesiones basadas en una metodolog铆a tradicional. Sin embargo, los estudiantes del GE mostraron una mayor motivaci贸n e inter茅s en la materia frente a los del GC